طبيب Jack Bartram

Consultant Paediatric Haematologist

نظرة عامة

Jack Bartram undertook Haematology training in London at Kings College Hospital, Hammersmith Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. He undertook a PhD at University College Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital, then a leukaemia research fellowship at Hospital for Sick Children (“SickKids”) in Toronto. His research has focused on the use of advanced diagnostic techniques in leukaemia.

He has clinical interests in paediatric malignant and non-malignant haematology and leads on molecular diagnostics within the department. He is actively involved in research studies to predict outcomes for children with haematological malignancies.


  • Paediatric malignant haematology
  • Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
  • Minimal residual disease
  • Molecular diagnostics
  • Paediatric non-malignant haematology

Development of novel diagnostics for haematological malignancies. Leukaemia biology.

  • MBChB(Hons)
  • Member of Royal College of Paediatrics (MRCPCH)
  • Fellow of Royal College of Pathologists (FRCPath)
  • Development of novel diagnostics for haematological malignancies.
  • Minimal residual disease assessment
  • CNS leukaemia
  • Leukaemia biology

الأخبار والمنشورات

Bartram J, Goulden N, Wright G, Adams S, Brooks T, Edwards D, Inglott S, Yousafzai Y, Hubank M, Halsey C. (2017) High throughput sequencing in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia reveals clonal architecture of central nervous system and bone marrow compartments. Haematologica. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2017.174987

O'Connor D*, Enshaei A*, Bartram J*, Hancock J, Harrison C, Hough R, Samarasinghe S, Schwab C, Vora A, Wade R, Moppett J, Moorman A, and Goulden N. (2017) Genotype-specific MRD interpretation improves stratification in paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Journal of Clinical Oncology. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2017.74.0049  [*co-first authors]

Walf-Vorderwülbecke V, Pearce K, Brooks T, Hubank M, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Zwaan CM, Adams S, Edwards D, Bartram J, Samarasinghe S, Ancliff P, Khwaja A, Goulden N, Williams G, de Boer J, Williams O. (2017) Targeting acute myeloid leukaemia by drug-induced c-MYB degradation. Leukemia. doi: 10.1038/leu.2017.317.

O'Connor D, Moorman AV, Wade R, Hancock J, Tan RM, Bartram J, Moppett J, Schwab C, Patrick K, Harrison CJ, Hough R, Goulden N, Vora A, Samarasinghe S. (2016) Use of Minimal Residual Disease Assessment to Redefine Induction Failure in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 35(6):660-667. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2016.69.6278.

Bartram J, Mountjoy E, Brooks T, Hancock J, Williamson H, Wright G, Moppett J, Goulden N, Hubank M. (2016) Accurate sample assignment in a multiplexed, ultra-sensitive, high-throughput sequencing assay for minimal residual disease. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. 18(4):494-506. doi: 10.1016/j.jmoldx.2016.02.008

Bashford-Rogers RJ, Nicolaou KA, Bartram J, Goulden NJ, Loizou L, Koumas L, Chi J, Hubank M, Kellam P, Costeas PA, Vassiliou GS. (2016) Eye on the B-ALL: B-cell receptor repertoires reveal persistence of numerous B-lymphoblastic leukemia subclones from diagnosis to relapse. Leukemia. 30(12):2312-2321. doi: 10.1038/leu.2016.142.

Bartram J, Wade R, Vora A, Hancock J, Mitchell C, Kinsey S, Steward C, Moppett J, Goulden N. (2016) Excellent outcome of minimal residual disease-defined low-risk patients is sustained with more than 10 years follow-up: results of UK paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia trials 1997-2003. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 101(5):449-54. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2015-309617.

Stepensky P, Bartram J, Barth TF, Lehmberg K, Walther P, Amann K, Philips AD, Beringer O, Zur Stadt U, Schulz A, Amrolia P, Weintraub M, Debatin KM, Hoenig M, Posovszky C. (2013) Persistent defective membrane trafficking in epithelial cells of patients with familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis type 5 due to STXBP2/ MUNC18-2 mutations. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 60(7):1215-22. doi: 10.1002/pbc.24475.

Moller HJ, Nielsen MJ, Bartram J, Dick MC, Height SE, Moestrup SK, Rees DC. (2011) Soluble CD163 levels in children with sickle cell disease. British Journal of Haematology. 153(1):105-10. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2011.08580.x.

Bartram JL, Thein SL, Gardner K, Egberongbe Y, D'Silva P, Height SE, Dick MC, O'Driscoll S, Rees DC. (2010) Outcome of children with sickle cell disease admitted to intensive care - a single institution experience. British Journal of Haematology. 150(5):614-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2010.08272.x.

Gardner K, Bell C, Bartram JL, Allman M, Awogbade M, Rees DC, Ervine M, Thein SL. (2010) Outcome of adults with sickle cell disease admitted to critical care – A single institution experience. British Journal of Haematology. 150(5):610-3. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2010.08271.x.

Bartram JL, O'Driscoll S, Kulasekararaj AG, Height SE, Dick M, Patel S, Rees DC. (2011) Portacaths are safe for long-term regular blood transfusion in children with sickle cell anaemia. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 96(11):1082-4. doi: 10.1136/ adc.2009.173856.

Deane CR, Goss D, Bartram J, Pohl KR, Height SE, Sibtain N, Jarosz J, Thein SL, Rees DC. (2010) Extracranial internal carotid arterial disease in children with sickle cell anemia. Haematologica. 95(8):1287-92. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2010.022624.

Rees DC, Lambert C, Cooper E, Bartram J, Goss D, Deane C, Thein SL. (2009) Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency is not associated with Cerebrovascular Disease in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia. Blood. 114(3):742-3. doi: 10.1182/blood-2009-04-216861.

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