Dr Marina Easty

Consultant Paediatric Radiologist


Dr Marina Easty is a Consultant Paediatric Radiologist who works in the paediatric radiology and nuclear medicine departments. She became interested in paediatric imaging in her first year of training when she was rotated to Queen Elizabeth Children’s Hospital in Hackney, and was taught paediatric imaging by eminent, now retired, Great Ormond Street Hospital consultants. When Queen Elizabeth closed, she set up a paediatric imaging department at the Royal London Hospital where she worked as a Consultant until 2007. 

She has years of experience in general imaging and has been interested in Nuclear Medicine imaging, including hybrid imaging since 2007.  

Languages Spoken:

  • English
  • French (Basic)


  • Ultrasound 
  • Fluoroscopy 
  • Nuclear Medicine 
  • Cross sectional imaging 
  • Nuclear Medicine 
  • Radiology Training 
  • Oncology 
  • Nephrology 


  • MBBS  
  • BSc  
  • MRCP  
  • FRCR 
  • Certificate in Nuclear Medicine Imaging 
  • Training Programme Director 


  • British Medical Association 
  • Medical Protection Society 
  • British Society of Paediatric Radiology 
  • British Nuclear Medicine Society 
  • Children’s Cancer and Leukemia Group 
  • Hybrid Imaging 
  • Nuclear medicine 
  • Nephrology 
  • Oncology 

News & Publications

Biassoni, L., Easty, M. 2017. Paediatric Nuclear Medicine Imaging. British Medical Bulletin. 123 pp. 127-148. 

 Mendichovszky, I., Solar, B.T., Smeulders, N., Easty, M., Biassoni, L. 2017. Nuclear Medicine in Pediatric Nephro-Urology: An Overview. Semin Nucl Med. 47(3) pp. 204-228.  

Tullus, K., Hooman, N., Easty, M. 2017. Flushing of the vagina and the prepuce-a cause for contaminated urine cultures in children. Pediatr Nephrol. 32(1) pp. 107-111.  

Pichler, J., Biassoni, L., Easty, M., Irastorza, I., Hill, S. 2015. Reduced risk of pulmonary emboli in children treated with long-term parenteral nutrition. Clin Nutr. 35(6) pp. 1406-1413. 

Chong, K., Barnacle, A., Biassoni, L., Calder, A., Chippington, S., Easty, M., Gunny, R., Hiorns, M., McHugh, K., Persaud, T., Roebuck, D., Saunders, D. 2011. Radiology service at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Lancet.  

Sinha, C.K., Pallewatte, A., Easty, M., De Coppi, P., Pierro, A., Misra, D., Biassoni, L. 2013. Meckel’s scan in children. Paediatr Surg Int. 29(5) pp. 511-7. 

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