Cochlear Implant

GOSH lullaby factory
GOSH lullaby factory


The aim of the Cochlear Implant Programme (CIP) is to provide an effective and efficient service to children and their families as they undergo assessment, surgery and rehabilitation for cochlear implants.

The CIP works as part of the Audiological Medicine Department and also works closely with surgeons in the Ear, Nose and Throat Department.

The CIP team is comprised of audiologists, speech and language therapists, psychologists, teachers of the deaf, a hearing therapist and the administrative team.

Co-ordinated by a consultant audiological physician, the CIP is one of the largest paediatric cochlear implant teams in the UK and is based in a world-renowned centre for the care of children. The CIP has carried out more than 1500 cochlear implant surgeries.

From the outset, the team has developed a holistic, child centred approach. This has enabled us to implant profoundly deaf children, for who conventional hearing aids don’t work, some of whom have more complex medical histories. In particular, a dedicated programme has been developed to meet the needs of deaf-blind children.

The CIP accepts referrals from birth to 15 years of age.

The GOSH Sight and Sound Centre 

The GOSH Sight and Sound Centre is the UK’s first dedicated facility for children with sight and hearing loss. Opening in June 2021, this bespoke, multi-disciplinary Centre designed especially for these children’s sensory needs will transform the experience and care of children and young people from across the UK and around the world.  

Conditions we treat

  • Congenital, acquired and progressive hearing loss and deafness

Refer your child for treatment

Use the form below to refer your child for treatment. A member of our team will be in touch within 2 working days.

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