Доктор Richard Trompeter

Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist
Dr Richard Trompeter


Dr Richard Trompeter is a children’s kidney specialist and was responsible for setting up the dialysis and kidney transplant programme at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). Currently he is an Honorary Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Nephrologist at GOSH and Honorary Reader in Paediatric Nephrology at the University College London Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. He is also President of the International Paediatric Transplant Association.

Квалификация и достижения

  • Nephrotic Syndrome
  • Glomerular disease
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Congenital and structural abnormalities of the renal tract
  • Hypertension • Urinary tract infection
  • Enuresis
  • Renal transplantation

Clinical Ethics:

  • Chair of the Ethics Committee of the International Paediatric
  • Transplantation Association
  • Member of the Ethics Committee of The Transplantation Society


  • MBBS
  • MRCP (UK) Paeds
  • FRCP (London)


  • British Association for Paediatric Nephrology
  • European Society for Paediatric Nephrology
  • The Renal Association
  • European Renal Association
  • International Paediatric Nephrology Association
  • International Paediatric Transplantation Association
  • The Transplantation Society
  • International Society of Nephrology
  • Royal Society of Medicine
  • Medico- Legal Society
  • Independent Doctors Federation
  • Molecular genetics of nephrotic syndrome
  • National clinical trial on the treatment of childhood nephrotic syndrome with corticosteroids


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