Доктор Austen Worth

Consultant Paediatric Immunologist/Honorary Senior Lecturer
Dr Austen Worth


Dr Austen Worth is a Paediatric Immunology at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and an associate professor in molecular immunology at UCL. He has been clinical lead for Immunology at GOSH since 2016. His doctoral and post-doctoral research focused on the molecular pathophysiology of Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome and dendritic cell motility defects. Subsequently his research interests have broadened to include thymic transplantation, EBV infection in immunodeficient hosts, XIAP deficiency and treatment of novel immunedysregulatory disorders. His clinical interests include novel indications for transplantation in Primary Immunodeficiency, Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome, HLH, CD40 ligand deficiency and inflammatory bowel disease associated with Primary Immunodeficiency. He is the clinical lead for the Thymic Transplantation program at GOSH.

He is an active member of the ESID, a member of the EBMT inborn errors working party Scientific committee and is a trustee for the UK Primary Immunodeficiency Network. He has authored over 50 publications and has been awarded over £2 million of grant funding. He also has previous experience of working in health development in sub-Saharan Africa and was chair of the RCPCH VSO Fellowship committee for 4 years.

Квалификация и достижения

• Stem transplant for Primary Immunodeficiency 
• Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome 
• Thymic Transplant 
• CD40 ligand deficiency 

• Medical training at Oxford University 
• Trained in paediatrics at St George’s Hospital, Great Ormond Street Hospital and at various South Thames Hospitals 

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