Kaukab Rajput 医生

Dr Kaukab Rajput


Kaukab Rajput医生自1999年开始于大奥蒙德街儿童医院(GOSH)就职,至今已有20多年。她是一名国际顶尖的听觉前庭障碍专家医师,现在是人工耳蜗植入科室的临床主管。GOSH的人工耳蜗项目是英国最大的儿科人工耳蜗项目之一,该团队来自多种学科背景的21人所组成。Rajput医生担任人工耳蜗项目的临床协调员和首席临床医生。

Kaukab Rajput医生是诊断患有复杂型儿童听力损失方向的专家。Rajput医生的临床范围,包括诊断和治疗年幼儿童到青少年的听力损失。她会看诊高危儿童群体,并监测他们的听力变化。她的临床专长是儿童听力和平衡障碍、听力损失、耳鸣、言语和语言延迟、听觉神经病变和耳毒性。Kaukab Rajput医生特别对听力神经疾病、耳毒性和使用耳毒性药物的儿童听力损失的预防这三个方向的研究,以及探究创新和新颖的疗法深感兴趣。

Kaukab Rajput医生于1992年就完成了眼鼻喉外科手术相关的培训,并成为英国皇家外科学院的研究员。她在英国皇家国家喉鼻耳医院接受了听诊医学的培训,并于1995年获得听力学理学硕士学位,1999年成为一名专家顾问医师。2009年,她被授予英国伦敦皇家医学院(FRCP)的研究员称谓。


I am constantly striving to do the best for my little patients. I firmly believe that every child must be given the opportunity to achieve their full potential despite disabilities such as hearing impairment. Many of my patients have complex medical problems. Sometimes hearing impairment can be the only aspect which can be optimised and this can change their quality of life significantly. 我一直在努力为我的小患者们做到最好。我坚信,尽管有些孩子有听力障碍等残疾,但每个孩子都必须有机会充分发挥他们的潜力。我的许多患儿都有复杂的健康问题。有时,听力障碍可能是唯一他们可以优化的方面。如果能在这点上帮助他们,就可以显著改变他们的生活质量” —— Dr Kaukab Rajput 



• 儿童听力和平衡问题 
• 听力神经病变谱系障碍
• 人工耳蜗 
• 耳毒性 
• 听力损失的病因 
• 获得性听力和平衡问题,如脑膜炎后、创伤后,即头部损伤或噪音暴露

• 儿童听力和平衡问题 
• 听力神经病变谱系障碍
• 人工耳蜗 
• 耳毒性 
• 听力损失的病因 
• 获得性听力和平衡问题,如脑膜炎后、创伤后,即头部损伤或噪音暴露



• MSc 
• FRCP  

• General Medical Council 
• British Medical Association 
• International Association of Audiovestibular Physicians 
• British Society of Neurology (BSNO) 
• British Cochlear Implant Group (BCIG) 


• 她的主要研究方向为儿童耳蜗植入,及如因脑膜炎和耳毒性等所引起的获得性听力问题的预防。
• Several research projects already completed in vestibular testing in children with hearing loss, physical, psychological, social and economic burden consequent on survival from bacterial meningitis and/or meningococcal septicaemia and 'A one-year open-label, multicenter trial to assess efficacy, safety and tolerability of Canakinumab(ACZ885)' and the efficacy and safety of childhood vaccinations in patients aged 4 years or younger with Cryopyrin Associated Periodic Syndromes 


Dr Rajput has been published in a number of peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, including most recently; 

 Viner, R.M., Booy, R., Johnson, H., Edmunds, W.J., Hudson, L., Bedford, H., Kaczmarski, E., Rajput, K., Ramsay, M., Christie, D., 2012. Outcomes of invasive meningococcal serogroup B disease in children and adolescents (MOSAIC): a case-control study. Lancet Neurol. 11(9) pp. 774-83. 

Brogan, K., Eleftheriou, D., Rajput, K., Edelsten, C., Sebire, N., Brogan, P., 2012. Tubulointerstitial nephritis, uveitis, hearing loss and vestibular failure:TINU-atypical Cogan's overlap syndrome. Rheumatology (Oxford). 51(5) pp. 950-2.

Kilsby, A. J., Cruwys, M.,  Kukendrajah, C., Russell-Eggitt, I., Raglan, E., Rajput, K., Loshe, P., Brady, A.F., 2013. Homozygosity for piebaldism with a proven KIT mutation resulting in depigmentation of the skin and hair, deafness, developmental delay and autism spectrum disorder. Clin Dysmorphol. 22(2) pp. 64-7. 

Russo, R.A.G., Melo-Gomes, S., Lachmann, H.J., Wynne, K., Rajput, K., Eleftheriou, D., Edelsten, C., Hawkins, P.N., Brogan, P.A., 2013. Efficacy and safety of canakinumab therapy in paediatric patients with cryopyrin-associatedperiodic syndrome: a single-centre, real-world experience. Rheumatology. 2014;53 pp. 665-670.

Trozzi, M., Powell, H.R., Toma, S., Ahmed, W., Jephson, C.G., Rajput, K., Cochrane, L.A., 2014. Cochlear re-implant rates in children: 20 years experience in a quaternary paediatric cochlear implant centre. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 
Nash, R., Veness, J., Wyatt, M., Raglan, E., Rajput, K., 2014. Vestibular function in children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 78(8) pp. 1269-73.

Rajput, K., and Bitner-Glindzicz, M., -  Chapter 30. Hearing and Balance in Children. MRCPCH Mastercourse - The Science of Paediatrics. published in 2016.

Mahon, M., Rajput, K., Vickers, D., 2016. Expert opinion: Assessing cochlear implant candidacy and progress for people with English as an additional language. Cochlear Implant Internation 17(sup1) pp. 59-61.  

P.R. Brock, R. Maibach, M. Childs, K. Rajput, D. Roebuck, M.J. Sullivan, V. Laithier, M. Ronghe, P. Dall’Igna, E. Hiyama, B. Brichard, J. Skeen, M.E. Mateos, M. Capra, A.A. Rangaswami, M. Ansari, C. Rechnitzer, G.J. Veal, A. Covezzoli, L. Brugières, G. Perilongo, P. Czauderna, B. Morland, and E.A. Neuwelt. Sodium Thiosulfate for Protection from Cisplatin-Induced Hearing Loss. N Engl J Med 2018;378:2376-85.

K.Rajput, M. Saeed, J. Ahmed, M. Chung, C. Munro, S. Patel, C. Leal, D. Jiang, R. Nash. Findings from Aetiological investigations of children with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder referred to cochlear implant program. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 116 (2019) 79–83.

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