Samiran Ray 医生

Paediatric Intensive Care Consultant


Dr Samiran Ray is a Paediatric Intensive Care Consultant with an interest in research and medical ethics. Areas of research interest include oxygen delivery, physiological monitoring and data science. Collaboration nationally and internationally, including in Europe and Canada.

Dr Ray's ethos of practice centres around providing intensive care judiciously when it is like to provide benefit to the child.


  • Bengali


  • Oxygen delivery
  • Physiological monitoring
  • Data science
  • Medical ethics
  • MbBChir (University of Cambridge 2004)
  • MA in Medical Ethics (Keele University)
  • PhD ongoing (UCL, anticipated completion 2019)
  • Member of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH)
  • Member of UK Paediatric Intensive Care Society (UK PICS)
  • Member of European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC)
  • Oxygen delivery
  • Physiological monitoring
  • Data science


Peters, M.J., Agbeko, R., Davis, P., Klein, N., Zenasni, Z., Jones, A., Mackerness, C., George, S., Veys, P., Ray, S., Mouncey, P.R., Harrison, D.A., Rowan, K; SCARF Study Investigators and the Pediatric Intensive Care Society Study Group (PICS-SG). 2018. Randomized Study of Early Continuous Positive Airways Pressure in Acute Respiratory Failure in Children With Impaired Immunity (SCARF) ISRCTN82853500. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 19(10) pp. 939-948.

Ray, S., Brierley, J., Bush, A., Fraser, J., Halley, G., Harrop, E.J., Casanueva, L. 2018. Towards developing an ethical framework for decision making in long-term ventilation in children. Arch Dis Child.103(11) pp. 1080-1084.

Peters, M.J., Jones, G.A.L., Wiley, D., Wulff, J., Ramnarayan, P., Ray, S., Inwald, D., Grocott, M., Griksaitis, M., Pappachan, J., O'Neill, L., Eaton, S., Mouncey, P.R., Harrison, D.A., Rowan K,M; Oxy-PICU Investigators for the Paediatric Intensive Care Society Study Group (PICS-SG). 2018. Conservative versus liberal oxygenation targets in critically ill children: the randomised multiple-centre pilot Oxy-PICU trial. Intensive Care Med. 44(8) pp. 1240-1248.

Abdelrazeq, S., Ray, S., Rogers, L., Noren, D.P., Peters, M.J., Inwald, D.P. 2018. Age-associated blood pressure distributions in paediatric intensive care units differ from healthy children. Intensive Care Med. 44(3) pp. 384-386.

Ray, S., Rogers, L., Brown, K.L., Peters, M.J. 2018. The Effect of Acetaminophen on Temperature in Critically Ill Children: A Retrospective Analysis of Over 50,000 Doses. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 19(3) pp. 204-209. 

Ray, S., Rogers, L., Noren, D.P., Dhar, R., Nadel, S., Peters, M.J., Inwald DP. 2017. Risk of over-diagnosis of hypotension in children: a comparative analysis of over  50,000 blood pressure measurements. Intensive Care Med. 43(10) pp. 1540-1541.

Ray, S., Brick, T., Raman, S., Birrell, P.J., Klein, N.J., Peters, M.J. 2017. Haemodynamic changes with paracetamol in critically-ill children. J Crit Care. 40 pp. 108-112.

Chapman, S.M., Wray, J., Oulton, K., Pagel, C., Ray, S., Peters, M.J. 2017. 'The Score Matters': wide variations in predictive performance of 18 paediatric track and trigger systems. Arch Dis Child. 102(6) pp. 487-495.

Ray, S., Rogers, L., Raman, S., Peters, M.J.; Oxy-PICU investigators. 2017. Liberal oxygenation in paediatric intensive care: retrospective analysis of high-resolution SpO(2) data. Intensive Care Med. 43(1) pp. 146-147.

Morin, L., Ray, S., Wilson, C., Remy, S., Benissa, M.R., Jansen, N.J.G., Javouhey, E., Peters, M.J., Kneyber, M., De Luca, D., Nadel, S., Schlapbach, L.J., Maclaren, G., Tissieres, P.; ESPNIC Refractory Septic Shock Definition Taskforce the Infection Systemic Inflammation Sepsis section of ESPNIC. 2016. Refractory septic shock in children: a European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care definition. Intensive Care Med. 42(12) pp. 1948-1957. 

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