Доктор Michelle White

Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr Michelle White

Квалификация и достижения

• Cardiac surgery 
• Difficult airways 
• Global health 
• Patient safety 

• Previously a consultant in Paediatric Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Bristol  
• Worked with the international charity Mercy Ships for 5 years in several different African countries delivering anaesthesia, training and working with governments to make surgery safer 
• Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists  
• Member of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 

• Cardiac surgery 
• Difficult airways 
• Global health 
• Patient safety 

Новости и публикации

Recent original research: 

Bruno, E*., White, M.C.*, Baxter, L.S., Ravelojaona, V.A., Rakotoarison, H.N., Andriamanjato, H.H., Close, K.L., Herbert, A., Raykar, N., Saluja, S., Shrime, M.G., 2016.  An Evaluation of Preparedness, Delivery and Impact of Surgical and Anesthesia Care in Madagascar: A Framework for a National Surgical Plan. World Journal of Surgery. 

E Bruno and MC White serve as lead authors of this publication 

Close, K.L., White, M.C., 2016. A pilot program of knowledge translation and implementation for newborn resuscitation using US Peace Corps volunteers in rural Madagascar. Globalization and Health. 2016 12:73. 

White, M., Longstaff, L., Lai, P., 2016. Effect of preoperative anaemia on postoperative complications in a low resource setting. World Journal of Surgery. 

White, M.C., Horner, K.C., Lai, P.S., 2016. Retrospective review of the anaesthetic management of maxillectomies and mandibulectomies for benign tumours in sub-Saharan Africa. PLOS ONE. 

White, M., Close, K., 2016. Lasting impact: insights from a surgical mission-based mentoring programme in the Republic of Congo. BMJ Global Health. 

White, M., Alcorn, D., Randall, K., Duncan, S., Klassen, H., Shrime, M., 2016. Evaluation of patient satisfaction, impact and disability-free survival after a surgical based mission in Madagascar: a pilot survey. World Journal of Surgery.  

Recent review articles: 

White, M.C., 2017. Pro: Pure surgical delivery is still needed in global surgery missions. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia. 

Wijesingha, S., White, M., 2015. Anaesthetic implications of congenital heart disease for children undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine. 16 (8). 

White, M.C., Linton, J.M., 2015. The difficult paediatric airway. Update in Anaesthesia. 30 (1) pp. 116-122. 

Jagannathan. S., Ramsey, M.A., White, M.C., Sohn, L., 2015.  An update on newer pediatric supraglottic airway devices with recommendations for clinical use. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2015; 24 pp.  334-45. 

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