Elizabeth’s story  

Elizabeth with her preceptor Nicola
Elizabeth (right) with her preceptor Nicola

Elizabeth was a student nurse at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and recently qualified, moving to work permanently on Hedgehog Ward. Here she talks about the preceptorship program at GOSH and how it helped her.  

“I can’t begin to list everything my preceptor, Nicola, has taught me. It is practically everything I know!  

“She has supported me through the transition from student to staff nurse and has shown me how to cope in difficult situations. When I was finding it tricky to settle in in my first few months, she was such a support and somebody I could (and still can) go to with any issues.   

“Without Nicola’s help, guidance and friendship, I don’t know what I would have done. She has taught me so much – to say she’s the nurse I aspire to be would be an understatement.” 

Nicola Greenwood, Senior Staff Nurse on Hedgehog Ward, is Elizabeth’s preceptor.  

“During my own preceptorship period, my preceptor had such a positive impact on my learning and development that I wanted to make sure all future nurses had a similar experience. 

“Being a preceptor is rewarding and fulfilling. It’s great to know you’ve made a difference to someone’s career. I am so proud of Elizabeth and the progress she has made. 

Every newly registered nurse that comes to work at GOSH is paired with a preceptor – a registered nurse who will help a new nurse develop into a skilled practitioner.  

For the first six months, the nurses work with their preceptor for two clinical shifts each month. During these shifts, the preceptor gives feedback, checks in on their wellbeing, supports their transition, celebrates their achievements and completes the preceptorship handbook.