Saya’s story 

Saya at GOSH
Saya at GOSH

Saya Habib is the Team Leader of the Arabic Interpreters within the International and Private Patients Division (IPP).   

The interpreters provide a therapeutic relationship between IPP staff and families, ensuring the language barrier never impedes communication. With a background as a chemist and a keen interest in working in a children’s hospital, Saya decided to become an interpreter when she came to the UK. She has been working as a permanent member of staff at GOSH since 2015. Here she talks about her role and what she enjoys most about being an interpreter.  

“We provide support to both the family and clinical staff to prevent there being any language barrier.   

“My favourite part of my job is supporting families and hospitals in a rewarding environment. It’s really nice working together as a team. The interpreting team provide support to each other when going through difficult conversations, such as when we must deliver bad or difficult news to a family.   

“Passing on good news is the most memorable reward for me. You cannot describe it – it’s just really nice.”