Jelena Stojanovic 女士

Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist


Dr Jelena Stojanovic has trained and worked in four countries, including the USA, The Netherlands, and for the past 18 years, in the UK. She provides a holistic approach to patients while focusing on areas that require her expertise. Jelena has expertise in treating children with complex conditions, including those with multi-organ involvement who require kidney and liver transplantation. She leads the renovascular service. Her academic work includes being a Senior Lecturer at University College London and regularly publishing as the first and senior author in peer-reviewed journals. She is an Associate Editor for Transplant International and an elected Board Member at ELPAT (ESOT), BAPN, and UEMS. Jelena is actively involved in transplant education for developing countries.


'Renal transplantation (ABO and HLA incompatible kidney transplantation)

Transplantation of children with metabolic conditions

Multi solid organ transplantation in children

Transplantation of children with complex conditions

Liver and kidney conditions

Renovascular hypertension

General nephrology

'Renal transplantation (ABO and HLA incompatible kidney transplantation)

Transplantation of children with metabolic conditions

Multi solid organ transplantation in children

Transplantation of children with complex conditions

Liver and kidney conditions

Renovascular hypertension

Board certified Fellow of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) 2017

CCT in Paediatrics and Paediatric Nephrology 2015

Doctor of Medicine School of Medicine University of Belgrade 2002

Renal and multi-solid organ transplantation

Renovascular hypertension


Selected publications 2023-2024:

1. Safety, efficacy, and timing of transplantation(s) in propionic and methylmalonic aciduria.

Chakrapani A, Stojanovic J, Vara R, De Nictolis F, Spada M, Dionisi-Vici C.J Inherit Metab Dis. 2023

2. Transplantation in paediatric patients with MMA requires multidisciplinary approach for achievement of good clinical outcomes. Paessler A, Cortes-Cerisuelo M, Jassem W, Vilca-Melendez H, Deep A, Jain V, Pool A, Grunewald S, Kessaris N, Stojanovic J.Pediatr Nephrol. 2023

3. Successful ABO and HLA incompatible kidney transplantation in children in the UK.

Hew EY, Kessaris N, Stojanovic J, Jones H, Christian M, Edwards A, Milford DV, Ognjanovic M, Shenoy M, Baker RJ, Marks SD. Pediatr Nephrol. 2023

4. Pediatric renal transplantation-A UNOS database analysis of donor-recipient size mismatch.

Kostakis ID, Chandak P, Assia-Zamora S, Gogalniceanu P, Loukopoulos I, Calder F, Stojanovic J, Kessaris N.Pediatr Transplant. 2023

5. Considering ABO Incompatible Living Donor Kidney Transplantation Before Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation in Children: A Letter to the Editor. Paessler A, Stojanovic J.Transpl Int. 2023

6. Associations of longitudinal height and weight with clinical outcomes in pediatric kidney replacement therapy: results from the ESPN/ERA Registry. Bonthuis M, Bakkaloglu SA, Vidal E, Baiko S, Braddon F, Errichiello C, Francisco T, Haffner D, Lahoche A, Leszczyńska B, Masalkiene J, Stojanovic J, Molchanova MS, Reusz G, Barba AR, Rosales A, Tegeltija S, Ylinen E, Zlatanova G, Harambat J, Jager KJ.Pediatr Nephrol. 2023

7. Management of pediatric patients with a failing kidney transplant: A survey of UK-based renal units. Letts M, Arslan Z, Plumb L, Bailey P, Griffin S, Stojanovic J.Pediatr Transplant. 2024

8. Characteristics of Early Antibody Mediated Rejection in Antibody Incompatible Living Donor Kidney Transplantation. Punjala SR, Ibrahim M, Phillips BL, Stojanovic J, Kessaris N, Shaw O, Dorling A, Mamode N.Transpl Int. 2024

9. Cardiovascular outcomes improve in children with renovascular hypertension following endovascular and surgical interventions. Redhead ECG, Paessler A, Arslan Z, Patel P, Minhas K, Forman C, Hollis P, Lava S, Ionescu F, Manuel D, Ray S, Kessaris N, Giardini A, Ratnamma V, Dobby N, Tullus K, Simmonds J, Stojanovic J.Pediatr Nephrol. 2024

10. 3D printing: a useful tool for safe clinical practice in children with complex vasculature.

Paessler A, Forman C, Minhas K, Patel PA, Carmichael J, Smith L, Jaradat F, Assia-Zamora S, Arslan Z, Calder F, Ray S, Kessaris N, Stojanovic J.Arch Dis Child. 2024

11. Clinical Outcomes and Quality of Life of Patients Receiving Multi-Solid-Organ Transplants in Childhood Are Excellent: Results From a 20-Year Cohort Study. Paessler A, Maple H, Cortes M, Simmonds J, Tse Y, Raja M, Muorah M, Kessaris N, Stojanovic J.Transpl Int. 2024

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