Birthdays and religious celebrations

At Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), we never forget an important occasion, especially your child’s birthday. Our staff take particular care and great pleasure to make sure it is a special day, despite it being spent in hospital.
Your child will receive a gift and birthday fun from our play team, as well as many birthday wishes from the staff.
Religious celebrations
Celebrations such as Christmas and Eid al-Fitr are important occasions for many families, and these are marked across the hospital. Families and patients are invited to celebrate these occasions with staff.
At Christmas, the hospital throws several parties for patients who are well enough to leave the ward, which include entertainment and activities. Our wards are decorated by patients, and every child staying with us over the festive season enjoys a special present and meal on Christmas Day itself.
On Eid al-Fitr all of our ward families and patients receive a special present. We also host a party for children, families and staff, which includes a prayer by our Muslim chaplain, entertainment, food and more gifts!
The hospital also celebrates Easter, Summer, Diwali and Purim. A smaller celebration is held for other religious celebrations including Eid al-Adha.
GOSH has collaborated with the charitable organisation Superhope to provide children with a unique opportunity to be transformed into the superheroes of their imagination. Superhope aims to have a positive impact on children currently being treated for cancer utilising a tool called Positive Mental Attitude.
GOSH are proud to be the first UK hospital to offer Superhope.