Visiting information

We operate specific visiting hours on our private and international wards, and we ask that you observe the nursing and medical instructions regarding appropriate times for visiting. We provide facilities for one parent to stay overnight at the bedside, and it is expected that family who are not staying as the nominated carer overnight, leave the hospital by 8.00pm.
If you need accommodation for other family members, please ask us as we have information on local accommodation providers.
Please note that our specialty wards may have different visiting policies.
All visitors must clean their hands before entering and leaving the ward, and wash their hands on entering a cubicle. If any family member or visitor develops a cough, cold, diarrhoea, vomiting or rash, it is very important that they do not come to the ward. On rare occasions, we may have to request that no visitors except parents are allowed on the ward. We ask for your understanding and compliance if that happens.
If you or anyone in your family is known to have an infectious illness such as chickenpox, measles, shingles, diarrhoea and/or vomiting, or has any respiratory symptoms please refrain from coming to the hospital. Likewise, if you or any member of your family have had recent contact with chicken pox or measles, please contact a member of the nursing team before arriving onto the ward.
Latex balloons and flowers are not allowed on the ward at any time, due to life-threatening allergies, and the risk of infection. However, foil balloons are welcome. Candles and incense are also not allowed on the ward.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us.