الآنسة Catherine Mann

Clinical Physiologist

نظرة عامة

Ms Catherine Mann is an experienced senior neuro clinical physiologist performing routine and complex intraoperative monitoring in the operating theatres both for orthopaedic and neurosurgical spinal cases. She is able to communicate and warn the surgeons of changes in monitoring parameters that could affect the outcome of the operation and she also performs other routine and specialised neurophysiological studies such as EEGs, Evoked Potentials, Sleep Studies and MSLTs. 


  • English, Filipino


Intraoperative, Neurophysiological Monitoring for orthopaedic and neurosurgical spinal cases, routine and complex Evoked Potentials, Sleep studies and MSLTs 

Intraoperative Neurophysiology for vascular, cranial and peripheral nerve sugeries 


  • B.S. Medical Technology, University of Santo Tomas, Manila Philippines, March 1988
  • Since 2009, Registered Clinical Physiologist - Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists (RCCP) the UK


  • Member of Neuromonitoring UK since 2010
  • Member of Association of Neurophysiological Scientists UK since 2006
  • Board certified Medical Technologist in the Philippines, Professional Regulations Commission,1990


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