Господин Divya Raviraj

Substantive Consultant Anaesthetist


Anaesthetic consultant managing the perioperative care of children undergoing surgical procedures.

Квалификация и достижения

Anaesthetic consultant managing the perioperative care of children undergoing surgical procedures.

2015  Primary FRCA – Royal College of Anaesthetists


2017 Final FRCA – Royal College of Anaesthetists

Новости и публикации

Anaesthesia for children with congenital heart disease for non cardiac surgery. WFSA Update In Anaesthesia. (In Press) Authors: D.Raviraj, M. White

Anaesthesia in Children with Congenital Heart Disease for Noncardiac Surgery.  Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week (ATOTW) WFSA. Authors: K. Flannery, D.Raviraj, M.White, F. Evans (2022; 467: 1-9)

Anaesthesia and the Developing Brain.  Current Pharmaceutical Design. Authors: Raviraj D, Engelhardt T, Hansen TG. (2019;25:2165-70)

Safe Anaesthesia In Neonates, Infants & Children.  Minerva Pediatrica. Authors: Raviraj, D, Engelhardt T, Hansen TG. (2018; 70:458-66)

Career planning versus serendipity. Anaesthesia News. Author: D.Raviraj November 2018. 376:7

Training of Anaesthesia in Low to Middle Income Countries. Global Anaesthesia Edition. Anaesthesia News. Author: D. Raviraj (In Press)

Who is the Anaesthetist? ACGAS website. 2019. Author: D.Raviraj

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