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Thank you for your interest in working with us!
The International Service is a private patient unit within the world-famous NHS paediatric hospital; Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). Our team of extraordinary nurses provide lifesaving care for seriously ill children from around the world. Our cancer and mixed-specialty wards, alongside our international patient mix, provides you with unique clinical knowledge and an experience unrivalled across the UK. GOSH has the largest paediatric nurse education program in Europe, offering you extensive education opportunities and the chance to build an extraordinary career.
You can apply for a role with us in two ways:
1. If you would like to be considered for a role in our team, please email your CV and cover letter to
We use to manage the online applications for Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH). You can view your applications to GOSH through this system.
More information
For more information about nursing at GOSH, or to arrange an informal visit, please contact our Head of Nursing: Claudia Gomes or Operations Manager - International Recruitment (Nursing): Charlotte Lau
We are always looking for Band 5 & 6 nurses. Please contact us directly if there are no current jobs advertised for nursing.