Госпожа Mia Dunkley

Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist


Ms Dunkley qualified as a physiotherapist in 1990 at St Mary’s Hospital and has since worked in numerous London teaching hospitals before undertaking her paediatric experience at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). Her expertise is in the Ponseti technique for treatment of the clubfoot. She has been trained in this technique by Dr Ponseti in Iowa, USA. 

Ms Dunkley also specialises in other foot deformities, hip dysplasia and arthrogryposis. 

Квалификация и достижения

• Ponseti technique and runs the Ponseti clubfoot clinic at GOSH  
• Arthrogryposis  
• Hip dysplasia and dislocation  
• Cerebral palsy 



• MCSP  
• SRP  
• HPC  
• MSc research module  
• Trained in the Ponseti technique by Dr Ponseti in Iowa, USA
• GRAF course for management of development dysplasia of the hip 
• Continually participates in courses in physiotherapy and orthopaedic management  
• Member Chartered Society of Physiotherapy  
• State Registered Physiotherapist  
• Registered with the Health Professions Council 

Current projects include:  

• Clinical outcomes of the Ponseti method  
• Effect of orthopaedic surgery on children with cerebral palsy 

Новости и публикации

Dunkley, M., Gelfer, Y., Jackson, D., Parnell, E., Armstong, J., Rafter. C., Eastwood, D.M., 2015. Mid-term results of a physiotherapist-led Ponseti service for the management of non-idiopathic and idiopathic clubfoot. J Child Orthop. 9(3) pp. 183-9. 
Gelfer, Y., Dunkley, M., Jackson, D., Armstrong, J., Rafter, C., Parnell, E., Eastwood, D.M., 2014. Evertor muscle activity as a predictor of the mid-term outcome following treatment of the idiopathic and non-idiopathic clubfoot. Bone Joint J. 96 (9) pp. 1264-8. 
Kampa, R., Binks, K., Dunkley, M., Coates, C., 2008. Multidisciplinary management of idiopathic congenital talipes equinovarus foot deformity in a district general hospital setting using the Ponseti technique – early results. Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics. 2(6) pp. 463-467. 

Dunkley, M. 2007. Physiotherapy for Children with Arthrogryposis.  

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