Доктор Joe Brierley

Consultant in Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care
Dr Joe Brierley
Dr Joe Brierley


Dr Joe Brierley has been a Consultant in Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) since 2004. 

Dr Brierley is the GOSH Clinical Lead for organ donation, works as a Consultant with the Children’s Acute Transport Service (CATS) and is Chair of the Local Research Ethics Committee and Vice-Chair of the GOSH Clinical Ethics Committee. 

Alongside this, Dr Brierley is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University College London (UCL) Great Ormond Street Institute Child Health. 

Квалификация и достижения

  • Paediatric and neonatal intensive care, organ support 
  • Acute trauma and traumatic brain injury 
  • Palliative care and intensive care 
  • Hemodynamics  
  • Shock and severe infections 
  • Medical ethics 
  • Hospital Acquired Infections (HCAI)


  • MBChB University of Leeds 1993 
  • Member of the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh 1996 
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 1998 
  • MA in Medical Ethics and Law, Keele University 2004 
  • MPhil in Medical Ethics, Keele 2005 

Positions held:

  • President of The European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC)


  • Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 
  • Paediatric Intensive Care Society 
  • British Medical Association 
  • European Society Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Medicine 
  • Society of Critical Care Medicine (USA) 
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine 
  • Septic shock and hemodynamics 
  • Medical ethics 
  • End of life care and ICU 
  • Organ donation in childhood 

Новости и публикации

Larcher, V., Brierley, J., 2014. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) – diagnosis and moral policing; an ethical dilemma for paediatricians. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 99(11) pp. 969-970. 
Turnham, H. L., Radcliffe, T., Brierley, J., 2015. Paediatric Mental Health Association and British Association for Child and Adolescent Public Health and Ethics and Law Forum: G495 Innovative treatments for children: a single centre review of clinical ethics committee discussion. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 100(3). 
Brierley, J., Larcher, V., 2011 Emergency research in children: options for ethical recruitment. Journal of Medical Ethics. 37(7). pp. 429-432. 

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