GOSH Global - The paediatric referral app from Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children


Great Ormond Street Hospital, one of the top five children’s hospitals in the world, has developed ‘GOSH Global’, a free-to-download app that facilitates the easy referral of international and private patients for treatment.

GOSH Global also provides access to a comprehensive database of clinical specialities and world-leading consultants.

“We know that our partners overseas need an easy way of accessing our database of services and consultants, and want to be able to refer a patient quickly and efficiently,” said Trevor Clarke, Director of International Services at GOSH. “We work hard to provide effective and efficient care to our patients, and now we’re thrilled to be able to match that in our referral process”.

The International and Private Patients Service at GOSH treats over 5,000 children from over 90 different countries each year. The service is tailored to the referral and treatment of international patients and their dedicated, multi-lingual team ensure a smooth and efficient patient experience.

Through GOSH Global, users can:

  • Browse the wide range of clinical specialities available
  • View the extensive list of world-leading consultants
  • Search for a consultant by name or speciality
  • Search via condition or speciality 
  • Email a consultant profile to a contact
  • Make an instant referral or an enquiry to the dedicated, multi-lingual referrals team

Download the app

The app is now available in English and Arabic, with added features including new search functionalities. 

To download the app, search for "GOSH Global" in the Apple app store now.

GOSH Global is also available for Android phones - just search "GOSH Global" in the Play Store today.