Four New Year’s Resolutions for 2019

Great ormond Street Hospital for Children in London
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London

With the beginning of each year many of us make aNew Year’s resolution’. This tradition is when a person decides to make a change to improve themselves or achieve their aims in life. The goal may be to have a better health, to save a little money, or maybe even to learn a new skill. This year, why not make a resolution as a family and look forward to a healthy, happy family in 2019?  

Experts from across Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH) in London have come together to suggest four New Year’s resolutions for families.  

1 – Do it as a family: 

Whatever resolution you decide to make, like eating more healthily, or doing more exercise, try doing it as a family. This will soon make your resolution become part of a healthy attitude towards a normal, everyday part of family life. You are more likely to be successful, and it will be more fun!  

 It is so important that good food implementation comes from parents because children are influenced heavily by their parents.” Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) Dietitian Sarah Khweir explains. “Children often look at parents as role models and naturally tend to copy what their parents do and what their parents eat. 

2 – Eat a rainbow!  

“Eat like a rainbow!” Sarah Khweir tells us. “Make sure you get as much colour and variety into your diet and eat plenty of fruit and veg to ensure you have lots of vitamins and minerals in your diet.” 

It’s important that the body is fueled correctly. Make sure the family are eating regular, healthy and properly portioned meals every day. Watch out of sugary snacks and drinks in between meals and instead snack on fruit or nuts and drink water where necessary.   

3 - Get active! 

Kids need about 60 minutes a day and they need help achieving this both in school and at home. “It is important for children to keep engaged and active.” Explains Caroline Kermarrec, Senior Paediatric Occupational Therapist at GOSH. Children need to keep their bodies and minds active to increase their muscle strength, bone density, balance and coordination, increase their mood and learn new skills.” 

Encourage them to join a school sports team or take part in school activities. After school, look into local after school clubs or sports teams; there are lots of fun ways for kids to do 60 minutes without making it a chore.  Activities such as cycling, walking, playing tag, jumping rope or swimming and dancing are great activities to encourage your child to do exercise. 

4 – Don’t forget about your children’s teeth:  

Failure to maintain good mouth hygiene will lead to unhealthy gums, tooth decay, pain and infection. Explains Ms Gehan Abou-Ameira, Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry. Brush your child’s tooth as soon as the first baby tooth appears. Make it fun by using a colourful brush!”  

There has recently been an increase in the burden of oral-health related diseases around the world, which can lead to painful tooth extractions for children. Teach your children how to brush their teeth and avoid too many fizzy drinks and sugary food.  

“For children with medical problems, the consequences of tooth decay can be very serious.” Miss Mason Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry says, “Dental infection can lead to endocarditis in children with congenital heart disease, or widespread life-threatening infection in children with poor immunity, either due to disease or medication. If children cannot eat due to dental pain, this can lead to weight loss and failure to thrive and have serious consequences for those with metabolic disorders. For these reasons, prevention of dental disease is particularly crucial for children with medical problems.”