Доктор Sophie Skellett

Consultant Paediatric Intensivist & Speciality Training Lead

Квалификация и достижения

  • Resuscitation and management paediatric cardiac arrest
  • Fluids and electrolytes
  • Acid base balance
  • Communication


  • MA  
  • MB BChir  
  • MRCP  

Positions held:

  • Lead consultant PICU
  • Medical Lead for Resuscitation GOSH
  • Associate Medical Director GOSH
  • Chair European Paediatric Advanced Life Support Course, Resuscitation Council UK
  • Paediatric Steering Group, National Cardiac Arrest Audit
  • European Resuscitation Council, national CDD
  • ReSPECT research and education committees, RC UK
  • Quality CPR
  • Predicting, preventing paediatric cardiac arrest
  • Management children post cardiac arrest
  • Incidence and outcome paediatric cardiac arrest in UK

Новости и публикации

Johnson M, Miskovic A, Ray S, Chong K, Hickson M, Bingham B, Skellett S.  The nasopharyngeal airway: Estimation of the nares-to-mandible and nares-to-tragus distance in young children to assess current clinical practice. Resuscitation 2019 140; 50-54.

Pfeiffer S, Lauridsen G, Jesse, Hunt E, Haskell S, Atkins D, Duval-Arnould, Jordan, Knight L, Cheng A, Gilfoyle E, Felice S, Balikai S, Skellett S, Mok Y, Niles D, Roberts J, Nadkarni V, Tegtmeyer K, Dewan M. (2019). Code Team Structure and Training in the Pediatric Resuscitation Quality International Collaborative. Pediatric Emergency Care. 1. 10.1097/PEC.0000000000001748.

Rachael K. Gregson, Sophie Skellett, Samiran Ray and Mark J. Peters. Hard and fast, but within limits: is there a tradeoff for stroke volume index and diastolic pressure in paediatric resuscitation? ICM (2018) 44:254–256

Niles DE, Duval-Arnould J, Skellett S, Knight L, Su F, Raymond TT, Sweberg T, Sen AI, Atkins DL, Friess SH, de Caen AR, Kurosawa H, Sutton RM, Wolfe H, Berg RA, Silver A, Hunt EA, Nadkarni VM, pediatric Resuscitation Quality Collaborative. Characterization of Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality Metrics Across an International Resuscitation Collaborative. PCCM 2018

Pediatric Fluids and Electrolytes; author. Oh’s manual of Intensive Care Medicine October 2018 8th Edition, Elsevier.

Skellett S, Biarent D, Nadkarni V. What works in paediatric CPR? Intensive Care Med 2018; 44: 223-226

Gregson RK, Cole TJ, Skellett S, Bagkeris E, Peters MJ. Randomised crossover trial of rate feedback and force during chest compressions for paediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Arch Dis Child 2017;102:403–409. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-310691.

Moler F, Silverstein FS, Holubkov R, Slomine B….Skellett S, Dean M; for THAPCA Trial investigators. Therapeutic Hypothermia after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Children. N Engl J Med 2017; 376:318-329 January 26, 2017

European Paediatric Advanced Life Support 4th Edition April 2016 RC(UK). Editor and Co-author

European Paediatric Advanced Life Support; ERC guidelines 2015 Edition. Author and Co-editor

EPALS manual 4th Edition for ERC, author. 2016

Skellett S, Nitta M, Berg RA; Neuropsychologic outcomes from pediatric cardiac arrest: an important step forward. ICM July 2015 Vol 41(7)

Durward A, Tibby SM, Skellett S, Austin C, Anderson D, Murdoch IA. The strong ion gap predicts mortality in children following cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. PCCM 2005.6(3):281-285.

Skellett S, Tibby S, Durward A, Murdoch I. Immobilisation of the cervical spine in children. BMJ 2002;324:591-3

Skellett S, Mayer A, Durward A, Tibby SM, Murdoch IA. Chasing the base deficit: hyperchloraemic acidosis following 0.9% saline fluid resuscitation. Arch Dis Child 2000;83:514-516.

Durward A, Skellett S, Mayer A, Taylor D, Tibby SM. The value of the chloride:sodium ratio in differentiating the aetiology of metabolic acidosis. ICM 2001;27(5):828-835

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