Госпожа Susan Maillard
I have specialised in paediatric Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal pain for over 27 years and I have worked at Great Ormond Street Hospital for over 23 years.
I work within the NHS service at GOSH and co-ordinate and run a rehabilitation programme for patients with these conditions. My service also provides many outpatient clinics for the NHS patients.
I have a biomechanical focus for all of my assessments and look at how specific muscles and joints function and the impact any changes may have on pain and fatigue and other symptoms for inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions.
The ethos of the service is to identify specific muscle imbalance and to provide a very specific and targeted exercises to be completed at home and reviewed and progressed depending upon progress and response to treatment. This approach can be applied to children of all ages and cognitive abilities and can be adapted according to ability and age.
I am able to provide a traditional outpatient service with assessment and home exercise programme which is monitored regularly. I am also able to provide more regular physiotherapy if that is required.
I am also able to advise very specifically upon pain management techniques and pacing of activities and I am able to develop advice strategies to support attendance at school and return to school and sport and full independent function.
I practice Monday-Thursday evenings from 5pm.
Квалификация и достижения
- Rheumatology – physiotherapy management of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Juvenile Dermatomyositis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Scleroderma and Vasculitis
- Management of Hypermobility related conditions and symptoms including Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Marfan’s syndrome etc.
- Management of widespread Musculoskeletal Pain conditions
- Management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Management of Chronic Fatigue
- Musculoskeletal rehabilitation
- Biomechanical Assessment and appropriate treatment programme provided
- Sports therapy following injury or potentially reduced performance using a biomechanical focus and not a sport specific focus
- Joint Hypermobility
- Rheumatological inflammatory Conditions
- Pain Conditions
- Dip Physiotherapy 1989
- MSc Research Methodology and Statistics related to Health Studies
- Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)
- Member of the Health Professionals Council (HPCP)
- Member of the British Society of Rheumatology (BSR)
- Member of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR)
- Member of the Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PRES)
- Member of IMACS
- Chair of the Exercise research group for IMACS
- Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Juvenile Dermatomyositis
- Physiotherapy outcomes for the treatment of inflammatory and non-inflammatory musculoskeletal conditions including hypermobility and Pain Syndromes
Новости и публикации
Guseinova, D.…..Maillard, S., et al. 2011. Comparison of Clinical features and drug therapies among European and Latin American patients with Juvenile Dermatomyositis.Clinical and experimental rheumatology. 29 pp. 117-124.
Groen, W., Ünal, E., Nørgaard, M., Maillard, S., Scott, J., Berggren, K., Sandstedt, E., Stavrakidou, M., and van der Net, J., 2010.Comparing different revisions of the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire to reduce the ceiling effect and improve score distribution: Data from a multi-center European cohort study of children with JIA. Pediatr Rheumatol Online J. 8: 16.
Apaz, M. T et al., ….., Pilkington, C., Maillard, S., Martini, A., Ruperto, N., and for the Pediatric Rheumatology INternational Trials Organization (PRINTO). 2008. Health related quality of life of patients with juvenile dermatomyositis. Results from the PRINTO multinational quality of life cohort study. Arthritis Care Res. 2008.
Riley, P., McCann, L.J., Maillard, S. M., Woo, P., Murray, K.I., Pilkington, C. 2008 Effectiveness of Infliximab in the Treatment of Refractory Juvenile Dermatomyositis with Calcinosis. Rheumatology. 47 pp. 877 – 880.
Multiple Abstracts submitted and presented internationally
Books Written:
Two chapters in Hypermobility, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain. A. Hakim, R. Kerr and R. Grahame Eds. 2010. London: Elsevier Chapter 2 and Chapter 11.
Maillard, S. M., 2008. Physical Therapy Management of Paediatric Rheumatology Conditions. In: R. Cimaz and T. Lehman ed. 2016. A Handbook of Systemic Autoimmune Diseases, Volume 6. Pediatrics in Systemic Autoimmune Diseases. London: Elsevier. Chapter 20. Pp. 251 – 268.
Maillard, S. M., 2007. Rheumatology. In: T. Pountney ed. 2007. Physiotherapy for Children. London: Butterworth, Heinemann, Elsevier. Chapter 14 pp. 219 – 241.
Contributed to 2 separate chapters for a book for parents about “Juvenile Dermatomyositis” on behalf of the Myositis Association, an international organisation. 2007. Adapting to Physical Limitations. Chapter 8 pp. 95 - 108 and Assessing Muscle Strength, Endurance and Function. Chapter 11 pp. 139 - 152. “Myositis and You” A guide to Juvenile Dermatomyositis for Patients, Families and Healthcare Providers. A publication of the Myositis Association.
Co-author of a chapter. 2006. Juvenile Dermatomyositis. In: J. Fenton ed. 2006. Living with Myositis: facts, feelings and future hopes.
Written a chapter for a book for Physiotherapists about Hypermobility. 2003. Hypermobility in Children. In: R. Keer & R. Graham eds. 2008. Hypermobility Syndrome – Recognition and Management for Physiotherapists. London: Butterworth Heinemann.
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- Тел.:: +44 (0)20 3965 9900
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