Доктор Rohit Saxena



Dr Rohit Saxena has just over nine years of experience working at five large paediatric intensive care unit centre in the UK, supporting cardiology and cardiothoracic programmes. This has provided Dr Saxena with extensive experience in managing a large diversity of cases. This is supplemented with Dr Saxena's experience in general anaesthesia and paediatric cardiology. 

Dr Saxena has successfully completed a structured five year research programme (part-time) MD (research) with King's College, London. This has provided Dr Soxena with considerable experience relevant to research in critical care settings in the UK. As a result Dr Saxena has been published in peer reviewed, high impact factor journals and presented at national and international platforms. 

"I strongly believe that every ill child deserves high quality and safe health care to achieve the best possible outcome. Being able to make a noticeable difference to children's (and families) life by providing such standards of care and support continue to motivate me to deliver such standards. 

Владение языками:

  • Hindi
  • Urdu

Квалификация и достижения

  • Cardiac and General Intensive Care
  • Haemodynamics in the ICU
  • Basic sciences and Physiology in the ICU
  • MD (Research)
  • MD (Paedatrics)
  • MBBS
  • Haemodynamic monitoring in the ICU
  • Basic sciences and Physiology in the ICU

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