Доктор Owen Arthurs

Academic Consultant Paediatric Radiologist


Dr Owen Arthurs is an Academic Consultant Paediatric Radiologist, funded by an NIHR Fellowship. He holds a PhD in brain imaging, and trained in both paediatrics and academic radiology in Cambridge, London and Paris.

Dr Arthurs is currently Chair of the International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging (ISFRI) Paediatric Working Group, and European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR) Research Committee and Post Mortem Imaging Taskforce. He is Associate Editor of the journal of Forensic Radiology & Imaging, and on the Editorial Board of Pediatric Radiology. 

He has given 60 invited lectures and won national and international awards for his work, most recently the 2016 Royal College of Radiologists Roentgen Professorship.

Квалификация и достижения

  • X-ray
  • Ultrasound
  • CT
  • MRI 
  • All paediatric body imaging including radiographs, ultrasound, fluoroscopy and CT
  • Special interest in post mortem and non-accidental injury imaging
  • Medicine at the University of Cambridge
  • MA (Cantab)
  • MB BChir
  • PhD in neurovascular coupling 
  • Trained in paediatrics in East Anglia
  • First Academic Clinical Fellow (ACF) in Radiology in the UK at Cambridge
  • MRC/RCR clinical research training fellowship (CRTF) in Cambridge which won international prizes
  • Clinical Lectureship in Cambridge
  • ESOR/ESPR paediatric radiology fellowship to the Hôpital Robert Debré in Paris
  • Paediatric Radiology fellowship at Great Ormond Street Hospital
  • NIHR Clinician Scientist Fellowship
  • FRCR
  • Improving clinical imaging techniques to best serve children  
  • Using imaging as part of the post mortem process for children

Новости и публикации

Arthurs, O.J., Edwards, A.D., Joubert, I., Graves, M.J., Set, P.A.K., Lomas, D.J., 2011. Interactive Magnetic Resonance Voiding Cysto-urethrography (iMRVC) for vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) in unsedated infants: a feasibility study. European Radiology. 21 pp. 1874-1881.

Hughes, Roberts Y., Arthurs, O.J., Moss, H.M., Set, P.A.K., 2012. Post mortem skeletal surveys in suspected non-accidental injury. Clinical Radiology. 67 pp. 868 – 876.

Arthurs, O.J., Thayyil, S., Wade, A., Chong, W.K., Sebire, N., Taylor, A.M., 2012. MR determination of neonatal spinal canal depth. European Journal of Radiology. 81 pp. 813-816.

Barnacle, A.M., Arthurs, O.J., Roebuck, D.J., Hiorns, M.P., 2008. Malfunctioning central venous catheters in children: a diagnostic approach? Pediatric Radiology. 38 pp. 363-378.

Arthurs, OJ., & Boniface, SJ., 2002. How well do we understand the neural origins of the fMRI BOLD signal? Trends in Neurosciences. 25 pp. 27 – 31.

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