Доктор Peter Sidgwick

Consultant Paediatric Intensivist


Dr Peter Sidgwick is a Consultant in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, with additional experience of anaesthesia and a special academic and clinical interest in paediatric palliative medicine. Much of his wider professional activity to date centres upon listening to, and working to improve, patients' experience of clinical care through improved multidisciplinary team working and enhanced workplace morale. 

Квалификация и достижения

  • Paediatric Critical Care
  • Paediatric Critical Care Transport
  • Paediatric Palliative Care
  • Paediatric Critical Care Transport
  • Member of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
  • Certificate of completion of training in paediatrics and paediatric intensive care
  • MSc - Paediatric Palliative Medicine (Cardiff)
  • Member of Paediatric Intensive Care Society 

Paediatric critical and palliative care 

Новости и публикации

Sidgwick P, Fortune P-M, Fraser J, McCulloch R. Advance Care Planning and the critical care patient. Commissioned by Archives of Disease in Childhood and currently in peer review (February 2018). 

Ndokera R, Sidgwick P, Yates E. Videolaryngoscopy: Watching this space, Evidently Cochrane Blog, October 2017.

Sidgwick P, Harrop E, Wilkinson D, Kelly D. How and when to refer for perinatal palliative care. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Education and Practice. November 2016.doi:10.1136/archdischild-016-310873.

Crowley N, Sidgwick P, Harrop E. Providing information for parents about transitional care available outside the neonatal unit. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2015;100:A258-A259.

Sidgwick P. See one, do one -- Commentary piece. BMA News March 2011.

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