Госпожа Sarah Cornelius



 I have worked as a Paediatric Orthoptist since 2013. I worked at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow until 2018 and have been at Great Ormond Street since 2019. I was Lead Orthoptist for children with complex needs at Whipps Cross Hospital from 2018-2019 covering Special Schools in Waltham Forest and Redbridge.

I have experience in functional vision assessments and testing children with specific learning difficulties/visual stress.

Before specialising in paediatric orthoptics I worked at Gartnavel General Hospital, a tertiary referral centre in Glasgow. My role included assessment of complex adult strabismus cases and providing orthoptic support at the Neurological Institute which covered the West Coast of Scotland.

I have taught paediatric vision to orthoptists, medical students and was part of a team who devised a course to teach vision testing to community officers in Malawi.

I believe that putting the child and family at the centre of all assessments, listening to them and responding to their questions, needs and concerns gives the most accurate information to formulate a plan/treatment but also makes any tests less stressful and often good fun. 

Квалификация и достижения

Vision assessment, including functional vision assessment.

Ocular motility assessment

Visual field assessment


Cerebral visual impairment



Diploma in Orthoptics

BSL Level 1 & 2

Amblyopia, gene therapy

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