Futang Research Centre of Paediatric Development visits GOSH

Futang Research Centre of Paediatric Development visits GOSH

On the 5th and 6th August, Futang Research Centre of Paediatric Development (Futang Centre) from China visited Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) to promote a cultural exchange and facilitate future partnerships between GOSH and leading Chinese paediatric hospitals. Futang was joined by representatives from its eight member hospitals including Beijing Children’s Hospital, Nanjing Children’s Hospital, Shanxi Children’s Hospital, Wuhan Medial & Healthcare Center for Women and Children, Xi’an Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine – the affiliated Children’s Hospital, Women and Children's Hospital of Qinghai Province and Inner Mongolia Maternity & Children Health Hospital.

The Futang Centre delegation undertook two days of discussion and collaboration with key members of GOSH staff. The aim was to promote exchanges between leading Chinese children’s hospitals and GOSH regarding the treatment of complex & rare diseases, scientific research, and hospital management which would facilitate GOSH’s brand awareness in China as well as clinic & referral collaboration with the Chinese medical community.

On the first day the delegation was welcomed by Mr Matthew Shaw; GOSH Chief Executive, Prof Andrew Taylor; Acting Chief Operating Officer, Mr Trevor Clarke OBE; Director of the International Service, and Mr Chris Rockenbach; General Manager of the International Service. The group attended presentations on the history and future of GOSH as well as GOSH’s research and innovation objectives. Prof Lyn Chitty, Deputy Director of the NIHR Great Ormond Street Hospital BRC, introduced GOSH’s research in Genomics to the Chinese delegation. After lunch, consultants from key clinical directorates at GOSH shared clinical services, outcomes, cutting-edge technologies and research with the group. The delegation engaged in lively discussions with GOSH consultants about new treatments and opportunities for learning and collaboration.  

On the 6th August, the delegation enjoyed another half day of presentations and discussion. Dr Melanie Hiorns, Clinical Director of the International Service, shared opportunities for future international collaboration. Dr Catherine Peters introduced GOSH’s development in the latest patient management system - EPIC - and GOSH’s DRIVE (Digital Research, Informatics and Virtual Environments) projects. After the meeting, the Futang Centre delegation was taken for a tour of the hospital. The tour included several private wards and an intensive care unit, a cardiac theatre, a new nuclear medicine room and the Disney Reef.

During the visit, GOSH signed a strategic cooperation memorandum with Futang Centre. Speaking about the visit, Mr Geng Ma, Vice director of Futang Centre, said “We are very happy to visit GOSH and thank you for arranging this visit for us. This visit is just the beginning; it lays a solid foundation for close cooperation between the two sides in the future”.

Mr Chris Rockenbach said: “We are looking forward to carrying out international cooperation and exchanges with Futang Research Centre of Paediatric Development and its member hospitals on pediatric clinical work, research and talent education, so as to learn from each other and make common progress and development, as well as to help more Chinese and international children with rare diseases and severe diseases.”


Futang Research Center of Pediatric Development, founded in 2013, evolved from the Beijing Children’s Hospital Group (BCHG). With the common view of six forms of sharing, 34 provincial and municipal children’s hospitals formed the first cross-regional specialist alliance in China. The optimized remote systems within the group improved the capacities of member institutions to provide medical services, whereas the “green referral channels” among all of the member institutions at all levels effectively improved patients’ experiences in seeking medical services. With the National Center for Children’s Health (Beijing) as its core institution, this cross-regional pediatric diagnosis and treatment network was composed of over 2,000 pediatric centres in 25 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions of China, benefiting a total of 200 million children.
Website: http://www.bchg.org.cn/

Signing Ceremony of MOU